
岡山県中央地区里親会会長 日本キリスト教団和気教会牧師 延藤好英さん
だっこボランティアの「ぐる~ん」さんのことを聞いて、わたしは一人の女の子のことを思い出しました。この話は、鈴木秀子さんが『生の幸い、命の煌(きらめ)き』(中央公論社)という著書の中で紹介して下さっています。 その子の名前はナンシー。アメリカのある小児病棟に入院していた3歳の女の子です。ナンシーは小さく、痩せていて、体は生後一ヶ月半程度しかありませんでした。あちこち検査をしてみましたが、特に病気はありませんでした。病院側はあらゆる手段を講じましたが、ナンシーは少しも成長せず、声を出す元気すらありませんでした。 入院して三ヶ月経ったころ、看護士の一人が主治医に「ナンシーの家族が一度も面会に来ていません」と告げました。ナンシーの両親に呼び出しをかけましたが、両親は姿を見せませんでした。とうとう、主治医がナンシーの両親を訪ねました。両親はいましたが、自分たちの勉強で忙しく、母親は「あの子は必要なかった」「こんな忙しいときに生まれて来たやっかいな存在なんです」と言いました。父親はパソコンの画面から目を離すこともありませんでした。 次の日、主治医はナンシーをベッドごと、『陽当たりのいい、人の行き交う廊下に移しました。そして、その上に大きな張り紙をしました。それにはこう書かれていました。 「わたしはナンシーです。あなたがここを通る時、もし急いでいるならば、『ナンシー』と呼んでほほ笑みかけてください。もし、あなたに少しの時間があるならば、立ち止まって、『ナンシー』と呼びかけ、わたしを抱き上げ、あやしてください。もし、あなたに十分なゆとりがあるならば、『ナンシー』と呼んで、わたしを抱き上げ、ほおずりしてあなたの胸と腕の温かさをわたしに伝えてください。そしてわたしと会話してください。」 さっそく、ベッドの脇を通りかかる医師、看護士、他の患者がそれを実行しました。ある人は通りすがりに、名前を呼んで、にっこりとほほ笑みかけ、ある人は立ち止まって、ほおずりをしました。ゆっくり時間をとって、優しい言葉で、あたたかい心を伝える人もいました。 そうして、三ヶ月たったころ、ナンシーの体重は、正常な三歳児にほぼ近づき、バラ色に輝く頬には、可愛い笑顔が浮かぶようになりました。言葉も急速に覚えはじめました。
Chairman of Foster Parents Association (Chuo District of Okayama Pref.)
When I heard of "Gruun" (Dacco volunteer group), I thought of a girl coming to my mind. This episode is introduced in a book named "Happiness of Life--Brilliance of Life" (Chuo-Koron-Sha) by author Hideko Suzuki. The girl's name is Nancy. The girl was three years old hospitalized in pediatric ward of a hospital in the United States. Nancy was small and skinny. The size of her body was like a baby of one month and half after birth even when she was three years old. There weren't any specific diseases found. Even though the hospital went through all the necessary medical measures they could think of, Nancy didn't grow at all, and wasn't good enough to even give a voice or two.
After her three-month hospitalization, a nurse told the physician in charge that any of Nancy's family members have never visited her. Nancy's parents were called upon, but they never appeared. Finally, the physician in charge visited her parents.
The parents were there to see, but they were busy in their study. Her mother responded that "She wasn't needed by us".... "She was born in such a busy time, and her existence is so annoying to us". Her father never turned his eyes away from his computer screen.
Next day, the physician moved Nancy and her bed/etc. en masse to sunny side of corridor in the hospital, where people walk by. On the corridor wall, he put a big sign of paper. The paper was written like this.---I am Nancy, if you are in a hurry when you walk by my side, why don't you call me Nancy, and toss your smile for me...If you have some little time, stop by to call me Nancy and hold me up...and amuse me.....If you do have extra time to spare time with me, then call me Nacy and hold me up...and nestle your face to mine, then give me the warmth coming through your chest and arms....Speak to me and have chat with me.
Soon, physicians, nurses and patients put this into practice when they walk by the bedside. Some called her name and gave her a smile. Some stopped by and nestled. Some took time to give her kind words showing their warm heart.
After lapse of three months, Nancy's weight came almost closer to what infants of 3 years old weigh and she started to show her cute smiling face with rosy-colored cheek. she increased numbers of her words rapidly. That particular child became infused and filled with love because she was called by her name, while she was smiled by and cuddled/hugged (dacco) by people,and received gentle words from them.
Pathetic children may always long for people wondering "If only there are such nice people out there". Some people may think "It would be great if we can do that for them"...But, if we weren't there by actually visiting them in person, our gentlleness would never reached them. Gruun people, however, make a visit to the children there. They speak to them gently. I feel what Gruun does is truly a wonderful work of love.....