「児童相談所に勤務しておりました。今は違う部署におりますが、児童相談所児童福祉司への異動を希望しています。 いつかは、生活を整え、里親ができればと、大きな、厳しい夢を持っています。新聞記事を拝読し、有尾さんのようなかかわりができるんだと知りました。 たいしてお役にたてず恐縮ですが、スポンサー会員に登録させていただきました。これからもご活躍ください。」
I would like to introduce the message from Ms. Miyauchi. It's nice to know that there are more people who wants to be the foster parents, sponsors, supporters and interested in adopting children. Although Guruun is still small, I hope we can cooperate with the government administration. Let's do our best together!
I used to work at the child consultation center, I'm presently working at the different section, but want to move to the child welfare consultation center.
I have a dream to adjust my life style and become a foster parent one day. After reading the newspaper article, I found out that there is a way to get involved like Ms. Ario.
I'm sorry I can't be of much help, but
I've registered as a member. I wish you luck in the future too.