お産の予定日が近づいてきたひろこさん(17歳 仮名)。待合室にいるひろこさんの表情が暗いことに気になり、声をかけました。
ひろこさんは無事に立ち直られ、のちにもう1人お子さんを出産しました。ときどき元気なひろこさんに街でお会いすることがあります。 今では立派なおかあさんとしてご主人と子育てに奮闘されています。
Here is an episode from a staff of a gynecological clinic. There's a young lady named Hiroko-san (anoymous: 17 years old) whose delivery day has been coming closer. I tossed my words to Hiroko-san as I thought she looked gloomy in the waiting room.
"It's coming closer, isn't it..Are you concerned about your delivery?...."
"Yes, I wonder how it would be coming to me"
As a matter of fact, Hiroko-san's mother and her sister have been in and our of hospital due to their illnesses, and in addition, her brother is living in an infant-home. Under the family circumstances like that, Hiroko-san has been waiting on tiptoe for her own baby to be born....
Luckily, her delivery was done with no difficulties, she felt happy and got out of the hospital with her boy-baby in arms although her mind was filled with concerns in coming milk-feeding and/or child-realing for the first time in her life. As I worried about her even after she left the hospital, I tried to continue to get in touch with her and/or paid a visit to her home. Although she was doing her unfamiliar child-rearing work with all her might, continuously she has been mentally unstable. At her last resort, she informed me of her lament "I like to die"...
As a result, she was hospitalized in emergency, and her baby was taken into the custody of an infant-home.
After several days, I got a buzz from Hiroko-san.
"I am out of hospital. Now, I''m sure I can live with my kid soon".
After Hiroko-san could soundly reconstructed her way out, later she gave a birth to another baby.
I often see Hiroko-san in town and she looks vigorous. Now she is a full-fledged mother making her a strenuou effot in
bringing up her kids with help of her husband.